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King of the Gibichungs, brother of Gutrune and half-brother of Hagen. Son of King Gibich and Queen Grimhilde. After Hagen uses a love potion to make Siegfried forget his former lover Brunnhilde and fall in love with Gutrune, Siegfried agrees to take Brunhilde for Gunther. Gunther becomes a blood-brother of Siegfried. Using the Tarnhelm, Siegfried disguises himself as Gunther and takes Brunnhilde by force to marry Gunther. However Brunnhilde realises the deception after the marriage when she sees Siegfried wearing the ring taken from her. She convinces Gunther to have Siegfried killed, Hagen agrees to do so, planning to get the ring. Siegfried dies and Gunther is killed by Hagen when he tries to take the ring.